The Students have been exploring the chosen Painting/Portrait or photograph in more detail this week. First of all each member came up with a set of questions of what they would ask within there chosen picture. This helped them describe, and visualise the pictures in more depth.

Here is the Picture that Ruth had chosen from the Nottingham Castle Art Gallery.

Ruth's Chosen Portrait


Here is Ruth improvising the woman in her painting. I think she really captures the sprit of the painting. Ruth described the woman in the painting to be in a vulnerable and maybe in a lonely situation because the hands around her clutching her scarf and fixed glaze could indicate she could maybe running or scared of something.

Here is Michelle describing her Painting.


Here is only a couple of examples of the work that was done tonight but interestingly a large proportion of the group portrayed their characters as being lonely and 'not fallen on good luck' These improvisations will explored further and incorporated into our up and coming show.