As we draw into another week of Lockdown (it's been so long I can't remember what week we are on), I begin to wonder when we will see the other side and be able to look at each other without assuming they have something that you don't want. So I HOPE that very soon we will all be able to hug and love one and other like before. What is your HOPE?

So this weeks topic is focussing on the word 'HOPE' and what it means for you guys.

Below are some extracts and ideas to get you started.

You might want to Write a POEM about HOPE

'Hope is a thing with feathers,

that perches in the Soul-

and sings the tune without the words,

and never stops - at all.'

Extract from Emily Dickenson

You could DRAW something or take a PHOTOGRAPH

What would a Utopian Future' look like? If everything and everyone was fair. (Remember we explored this a few years ago in a previous play.)

How does it Look?

How would the world change to move to a new sense of calm and peace with nature?

Why Don't you make some Music?

Get some pots and pans out. Or play the Ukulele? Or just say or sing what you feel. I love doing that!

here are some extracts:

Anything you make or devise, Why not upload it to

Or send to 07834492574 which is Phil number and I can post it up or show it for next weeks Zoom.

Enjoy your week.